Monday, August 31, 2020

Chesterfield and the Lure of Millennials

With its shopping sprawl, vast rural stretches and sleepy suburbs with no sidewalks, Chesterfield County will never be mistaken for a dense, urban area. But county leaders are hoping that their recent proposed changes to zoning and planning will produce a close enough approximation to lure millennials. 

My Richmond Magazine feature on the changing face of Chesterfield -- and how the sleepy, conservative county is trying to attract more millennial-aged residents -- is now online. The in-depth feature shows a region in flux, as  it moves away from 70s and ’80s style of planning and development where the automobile was the de facto mode for transportation. Today's millennials want to settle down in walkable, linkable communities that have special mixed-use areas where one can run or bike -- and they crave amenities like breweries, coffee shops and live entertainment. 

It all starts with new sidewalks. Read "Because They're Young" by going right here. 

(Photo from Midlothian Mines Park: Richmond Magazine)

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